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Automotive Industry

Thu, January 6, 2011
[ 16:30pm UTC ] - Country: United States, Kinetic Automotive
New Kinetic Automotive Facebook page announced!
Wed, November 24, 2010
[ 11:22am UTC ] - Country: United States, Kinetic Automotive
The new production VW bug body is nearly complete and ready for paint.
Fri, September 10, 2010
[ 07:57am UTC ] - Country: United States, Kinetic Automotive
Kinetic Automotive Announces Our New YouTube Channel!
Wed, August 11, 2010
[ 08:14am UTC ] - Country: United States, Kinetic Automotive
Wheels and tires arrived, Vintage TTO's .. performance and drag rubber.
Fri, July 23, 2010
[ 08:09am UTC ] - Country: United States, Kinetic Automotive
Controller is ready!
Mon, June 14, 2010
[ 10:15am UTC ] - Country: United States, WOPRAI
Best Buy (BBY) Expected To Be Lower After Earnings Release on Tuesday
Mon, April 6, 2009
[ 13:58pm UTC ] - Country: United States, Kinetic Automotive
Kinetic Automotive is now sponsoring The Electric rEVolution!

The new production VW bug body is nearly complete and ready for paint.

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Published on 2010-11-24 11:22:17 - Kinetic Automotive

With the New Year quickly approaching, so is the day we can pop the new production body out of its mold and send it out for paint. Once the body comes out, it will be essentially all white, and a blank slate for the paint shop. We've attached a picture of the body still in the mold before we had glassed in the strutural components.

With that, a completed vehicle is almost upon us and we'll begin road and race testing. The next few steps from here are paint shop and interior, neither of which we do in-house. Along the way, we've also developed systems for keeping management of the high voltage systems, safe. We'll keep that to ourselves, for now.

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Kinetic Automotive